Me imagino que a alguno le resultará un tanto pesado, pero leí en este libro de Inglés este corto consejo relacionado a un tema que más de una vez hemos mencionado: las presentaciones o informes, de paso practicamos un poco de Inglés, no se a Uds. pero a mi me viene muy bien.
In Business, writing accurate reports is an important skill for several reasons:
- it shows you are professional
- it allows you to convey information clearly or to keep a record of events
- it helps you to influence decisions
Normaly, reports can be divided into three main parts:
- Introduction: the subject and the headings of your report
- Findings: what you’ve found out or want to say
- Conclusions: what you think about these facts and what you recommend the reader should do
To write a good report, you should follow these steps:
- Plan the content and collect any necessary information
- Write the first draft (version)
- Edit (improve) and correct, then produce a final version
Motivating the individuals in the audience is just as important as the structure and language of a presentation. Ask yourself, what are they there for? Why should they listen to me?
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